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Custom Functions

easy-api.ts lets you add custom functionality to the library, that’s why creating custom functions is a thing.

Creating your first custom function

We need to require the following classes and enums from the library.

var { APIFunction, ParamType } = require("easy-api.ts");

Now, let’s extend the APIFunction class. We will make an owoify function for this example.

class AnyName extends APIFunction {
name = "owoify";
description = "Owoifies a message.";
parameters = [{
name: "Message",
description: "The message to be owoified.",
type: ParamType.String,
required: true,
rest: false,
defaultValue: null
}]; // It's important to fill this array if your function has parameters.
usage = "$owoify[message]";
returns = ParamType.String;
compile = true;
aliases = [];
async run(d, [message]) {
return message.replace(
(match) => /[RL]/.test(match) ? "W" : "w"

Now, let’s export your custom function.

exports.default = AnyName;

Loading your custom function

To load your custom function, you can use the load method of the function manager.

var api = new API(...);
api.functions.load("<path to function>");

Scoped-functions Advanced

Scoped-functions are functions that can be executed in certain function scopes. This is appliable for $case and $switch or canvas functions.

This is an easy-to-understand concept, but first, we need to comprehend what an scope is.

Understanding scopes

“Scopes” refer to the contexts in which variables are accessible. Let’s define a global variable.


You can access this variable in the whole code.


You change the value of a variable in a child scope and it will updated in the parent scope.

^ now var is "13".
^ now var is "32".
^ var is still "32".

Now, let’s define an scoped variable.

^ now var is "13".
^ now var is "16".
^ now var is "24".
^ ERROR: undefined variable.
^ returns: "13".

Some functions can’t inherit data from parent scopes.

Creating the parent function

You can follow the existing guide for this step in “Creating your first custom function”.

const { API, APIFunction, Data, ParamType, Util } = require("easy-api.ts");
exports.default = class ParentFunc extends APIFunction {
name = "$map";
description = "Maps the given numbers and load the results to a variable.";
parameters = [{
name: "Numbers",
description: "Numbers separated by commas.",
type: ParamType.Number,
required: true,
rest: false,
defaultValue: null
name: "Code",
description: "Code to be applied to each number.",
type: ParamType.String,
required: true,
rest: false,
defaultValue: null
usage = "$map[3,6,9,12;$load[uwu;%element%]]"
compile = false // Important to set to false.
aliases = []
async run(d, [numbers, code]) {
* We are extending Data to create a sub-data and attach the scoped-function
* to this cloned data without affecting the parent one.
* (allow the execution for the subdata but not for the parent because
* function doesn't exists there.)
* First parameter are environment variables you create with $let[]
* Second parameter are internal variables that ea.ts uses "to work under the hood".
const data = d.extend(d._, d.__);
// Now load your function source.
data.functions.load(__dirname, (fn) => typeof fn.parent !== "undefined" && fn.parent ===;
* Now resolve the function argument using an util method.
* We pass as first parameter, the cloned data where the function exists
* and as second param the code to be parsed.
const result = await Util.resolveCode(data, content);
// We return the result.
return result;

Creating the scoped function

exports.default = class SubFunc extends APIFunction {
name = "$load";
description = "Loads the result to a variable.";
parameters = [{
name: "Name",
description: "Variable name to load the value to.",
type: ParamType.String,
required: true,
rest: false,
defaultValue: null
name: "Value",
description: "Value to be loaded to the variable.",
type: ParamType.String,
required: true,
rest: false,
defaultValue: null
usage = "$load[name;value]"
compile = true
aliases = []
async run(d, [name, value]) {
d.setVar(name, value)

Using our custom function

^ works fine.
^ ERROR: $load is not a function.