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Add-ons are the best way to extend easy-api.ts capabilities by bringing an easy-to-understand API.

Placing the add-on

You must place add-on files some where. Let’s look an example.

  • index.js Your API main file
  • Directorymy_custom_addon
    • Directoryfunctions
      • betterLog.js
    • index.js
  • Directoryroutes
    • hello.js
  • package.json

Creating your add-on

To create an add-on, you must require the Addon class in order to extend it and add custom functionality.

var { Addon } = require("easy-api.ts");
module.exports = class MyCustomAddon extends Addon {
name = "myCustomAddon"; // Set the name of your add-on.
description = "..."; // A brief description about your add-on.
version = "1.0.0"; // The version of your addon.
// ^ all these properties are required.
* Starts the addon "init" protocol.
* @param {import("easy-api.ts").API} api
* @returns {void}
init(api) {
// Logic here...

Now, let’s attach the add-on into the API.

var MyCustomAddon = require("./my_custom_addon");
var { API } = require("easy-api.ts");
var api = new API({
addons: [
new MyCustomAddon(),
dots: false,
reverse: false
// ...

Congratulations! You’ve done the basic logic for your first add-on.